Tri Tip Steak in Cast Iron Skillet and Oven

Hey everyone, it’s Paula from Early in Time, and today we’re taking our tri-tip cooking skills to new heights.

While I usually fire up the kettles or the pellet grill for this favorite cut of meat, today’s adventure takes place in the heart of the kitchen, utilizing the oven and a trusty cast iron skillet.

I often get asked if these recipes can be replicated indoors, and today, I’m excited to demonstrate just how it’s done.

Tri Tip Steak in Cast Iron Skillet and Oven


  • Yes, you can cook a perfectly cooked tri-tip indoors using a cast-iron skillet and oven.
  • Master the art of searing to lock in juices and enhance the steak’s overall flavor profile.
  • Elevate your tri-tip by using garlic herb butter for a rich and aromatic touch.
  • Monitor internal temperatures closely to ensure your tri-tip reaches the ideal doneness for a juicy and tender result.
  • With a few simple steps, enjoy a restaurant-quality tri-tip without the hassle—perfect for a delicious home-cooked meal.

How Long to Cook Tri Tip Steak in Cast Iron Skillet and Oven?

For optimal results, sear the tri-tip on a hot cast iron skillet for a few minutes on each side. Then, transfer it to a preheated 350°F (177°C) oven for approximately 20 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 120°F (49°C).

How to Cook Tri Tip Steak in Cast Iron Skillet and Oven

Sear a seasoned tri-tip in a hot cast iron skillet, then transfer to a 350°F oven for 20 minutes until reaching an internal temperature of 120°F. Rest, slice, and enjoy juicy and perfectly cooked tri-tip steak.

Tri Tip Steak in Cast Iron Skillet and Oven

Tri Tip Steak in Cast Iron Skillet and Oven Recipe

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

So, let's dive into this step-by-step guide on cooking the
perfect tri-tip steak in cast iron skillet and oven.


  • Tri-tip steak
  • Cracked peppercorn seasoning
  • Salt
  • Garlic herb butter


  • Cast-iron skillet
  • Oven
  • Quick-read thermometer
  • Foil (for wrapping)
  • Hotpad or oven mitt
  • Stirring utensil (for spreading garlic herb butter)


Let's begin with the step-by-step guide!

1. Seasoning the Tri-Tip

Tri Tip Steak in Cast Iron Skillet and Oven Recipe

Start by generously seasoning the tri-tip with cracked peppercorn, ensuring an even coating. Don't be shy with the seasoning; it's key to flavor.

2. Searing on the Stove

Heat up a cast-iron skillet on the stove. Once hot, sear the tri-tip on both sides until you achieve a beautiful crust. This step locks in the juices and adds a rich, caramelized flavor to the steak.

3. Preparing the Skillet

Preparing the Skillet

Add garlic herb butter to the skillet, letting it melt and spread around. This infused butter adds an extra layer of flavor to the tri-tip during the cooking process.

4. Oven Cooking

Oven Cooking

Preheat the oven to 350°F (177°C). Place the seared tri-tip in the oven for 10 minutes. Check the internal temperature after this time; you're aiming for around 120°F (49°C).

If needed, continue cooking in 10-minute increments until you reach the desired temperature.

5. Resting Period

Remove it from the oven once the tri-tip reaches 120°F (49°C). Wrap the steak in foil and let it rest for 10 minutes. This crucial step allows the juices to redistribute, ensuring a juicy and tender final result.

6. Presentation


Unwrap the tri-tip, and you'll be greeted with a perfectly cooked masterpiece. Optionally, add a final touch of garlic herb butter for extra richness.

7. Serving

Carve into the tri-tip, revealing the mouthwatering medium-rare perfection. Serve it up with your favorite sides; in this case, we're enjoying it with mashed potatoes.


In conclusion, cooking a tri-tip steak in a cast iron skillet and oven is a surprisingly straightforward process that yields fantastic results.

With a well-seasoned tri-tip, a hot skillet, and a little patience in the oven, you can achieve a perfectly seared, juicy, and flavorful steak that’s sure to impress. Adding garlic herb butter adds a delicious touch, making this method a must-try for any steak enthusiast.

So, don’t hesitate to bring the magic indoors next time you’re craving a mouthwatering tri-tip.

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