Can You Freeze Almond Milk? – (Easy Guide)

Welcome to the EarlyinTime! Today, we will explore a query that many fans of almond milk are curious about: Can you freeze almond milk? The answer is definitely yes! However, how you plan to use it after thawing is key, and we’ll explore various creative applications shortly.


  • Yes, you can freeze almond milk. Turn it into convenient ice cubes for an extended shelf life and versatile use in coffee or smoothies.
  • Freezing almond milk is a practical strategy to prevent waste for solo drinkers or those who use it slowly.
  • Pour almond milk into ice cube trays, freeze, and store in a freezer bag. Thaw and use for coffee creamer or smoothies – a convenient and economical option.
  • Extended shelf life, lower calories than dairy, and retained nutrients make frozen almond milk a healthy and convenient addition to your recipes.
  • Use almond milk cubes in coffee creamer for a personalized touch and enjoy icy smoothies with added health benefits.

Is It Okay to Freeze Almond Milk?

Yes, it is okay to freeze almond milk. Freezing almond milk in ice cube trays can help extend its shelf life and is convenient for various uses like adding to coffee or smoothies.

However, freezing almond milk might seem unusual, but it’s a practical solution for those who only go through a carton slowly. If, maybe, you will find yourself the primary almond milk enthusiast in your household; freezing can help prevent waste. It’s a cost-effective strategy, allowing you to buy almond milk in larger quantities without fearing it will go bad before you can finish it.

Can You Freeze Almond Milk?

Yes, you can freeze almond milk. Simply pour it into ice cube trays, freeze, and store the cubes in a freezer bag. Thaw and use in coffee creamer or smoothies for a convenient and versatile option.

How to Freeze Almond Milk

To freeze almond milk with a ice cube trays, pour it into ice cube trays, shake well for even distribution, place trays on a cookie sheet, freeze until solid, transfer cubes to a freezer bag, and store for later use in coffee creamer, smoothies, or other recipes.

Let’s begin by discussing why freezing almond milk. You find a great deal on a large carton of almond milk, but you’re the only one in your household who regularly enjoys it. It’s a common predicament. Almond milk typically has a limited shelf life once opened, and consuming a full carton before it spoils can be challenging, especially for solo almond milk drinkers like yourself.

Freezing Almond Milk Step by Step

Freezing Almond Milk Step by Step

Here's where freezing comes to the rescue. By freezing almond milk into convenient ice cubes, you can preserve it for longer periods, ensuring minimal waste and maximum utility. But how exactly do you go about freezing almond milk?


  • Ice Cube Trays
  • Cookie Tray or Sheet Pan
  • Freezer Bag


Let's break it down step by step guide:

Gather your supplies

All you need is your almond milk and ice cube trays. If you don't have ice cube trays, they're readily available at dollar stores or big-box retailers.

Prepare for freezing

Place your ice cube trays on a sheet pan or cookie tray to prevent spills. Then, simply pour the almond milk into the ice cube trays. If your carton is nearly empty, give it a good shake to ensure even distribution.


Once filled, transfer the trays to the freezer. Allow ample time for the almond milk to freeze solid.


Remove the almond milk ice cubes from the trays once frozen. You may need to bang the trays on a countertop to loosen them gently. Transfer the cubes to a freezer bag and store them in the freezer until needed.

What is the freezing point of almond milk?

The freezing point of almond milk is around 0°C (32°F). When it gets too cold, the water in almond milk freezes first, causing the almond milk to separate into water and oils. If you freeze almond milk, it’s a good idea to thaw and blend it before using to prevent this separation.

Can you freeze almond milk in the carton?

No, freezing almond milk directly in the carton is not recommended. Freezing almond milk can cause it to separate upon thawing, resulting in an undesirable texture change. While the flavor may be preserved, the extreme texture alteration makes freezing almond milk in the carton not advisable.

Can You Freeze Almond Milk to Make Ice Cream?

Yes, you can freeze almond milk to make ice cream. Almond milk can be an excellent base for dairy-free ice cream, providing a creamy texture and a delicious flavor. Simply freeze the almond milk and use it as a substitute for traditional dairy in your favorite ice cream recipes. Enjoy your homemade almond milk ice cream!

Creative Uses for Frozen Almond Milk

Now that you have them, let’s look at some inventive ways to use your almond milk ice cubes in your cooking tasks.

Using Frozen Almond Milk in Coffee Creamer

I have been asked in a comment, Can you freeze almond milk coffee creamer? Yes, you can freeze almond milk coffee creamer. Freezing almond milk coffee creamer is a convenient way to extend its shelf life and ensure you always have a creamy addition for your coffee on hand.

One clever use of frozen almond milk cubes is in crafting your own coffee creamer. In a delightful DIY creamer recipe that includes coconut milk and almond milk, the frozen almond milk cubes play a crucial role.

Using them with coconut milk, the crafty host achieves a rich and smooth consistency without any discernible taste or texture differences. It’s a perfect solution for those who prefer a personalized touch to their morning cup of coffee.

Incorporating Almond Milk Cubes in Smoothies

Some people wondering can you freeze almond milk for smoothies? Yes, you can freeze almond milk for smoothies. Simply pour almond milk into ice cube trays, freeze until solid, and use the frozen cubes in your smoothies for a creamy and chilled texture.

 Another inventive application of frozen almond milk is in smoothies. Adding a few almond milk cubes to your blender and the usual smoothie ingredients imparts a delightful icy consistency.

This not only enhances the texture of your smoothie but also introduces the health benefits of almond milk. Fortified almond milk offers essential minerals and vitamins, making your smoothie a nutritious and lower-calorie alternative to dairy-based options.

How long does almond milk last in fridge?

Refrigerated almond milk lasts 7-10 days after opening, while shelf-stable almond milk, once opened, stays fresh for about 10 days in the fridge.

Almond milk, a popular dairy alternative, comes in both refrigerated and shelf-stable varieties. The lifespan of almond milk in the fridge depends on whether it’s from the refrigerated section or the shelf-stable aisle.

Refrigerated Almond Milk

  • Unopened: Almond milk purchased from the refrigerated section of your grocery store typically has a shelf life of about seven to 10 days. It’s essential to check the expiration date on the packaging to ensure its freshness.
  • Opened: Once you open a carton of refrigerated almond milk, consuming it within the specified timeframe is crucial. Generally, refrigerated almond milk will last seven to 10 days in the fridge. Be sure to store it at the recommended temperature to maintain its quality.

Shelf-Stable Almond Milk

  • Unopened: Shelf-stable almond milk, which is often found in the non-refrigerated aisles, has a longer shelf life before opening. It can last one to two months in your pantry, making it a convenient option for stocking up.
  • Opened: After opening, shelf-stable almond milk should be refrigerated. Similar to refrigerated almond milk, once opened, it typically remains fresh for about 10 days. Always check the packaging for specific guidance and use it within the recommended timeframe.

Benefits of Using Frozen Almond Milk

Aside from its convenience, freezing almond milk offers several benefits:

  • Extended Shelf Life: Freezing allows you to prolong the lifespan of almond milk, reducing waste and saving you money in the long run.
  • Healthier Alternative: Almond milk is lower in calories and sugar compared to dairy milk, making it an excellent choice for those watching their calorie intake or avoiding dairy products.
  • Nutrient Retention: While freezing may alter the texture slightly, almond milk retains its essential nutrients, providing a healthy addition to your recipes.


So, freezing almond milk opens up a world of possibilities in the kitchen. From creamy coffee to icy smoothies, the versatility of frozen almond milk is sure to delight your taste buds and streamline your meal prep routine. So, next time you spot a great deal on almond milk, stock up, freeze, and unleash your culinary creativity!

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