Vitamix 7500 vs. A3500 – Who Performed Better?

Regarding Vitamix blenders, choosing between the classic Vitamix 7500 and the advanced A3500 might be challenging. In this comprehensive comparison, We explore into a real-world test conducted by a Vitamix customer to solve the hot question: Does the Ascent series genuinely outperform the G series, or is it just a matter of aesthetics and extra features?

Vitamix 7500 vs. A3500


  • Under standard conditions, the Pro 750 and A3500 exhibit virtually identical blending performance.
  • Despite claims of the A3500 being faster, both blenders maintained consistent water temperatures throughout the entire six-minute test.
  • Both blenders share equal build quality and noise levels, with the A3500 offering additional features but no significant advantage in core performance.
  • In terms of core blending capabilities, there is no clear winner between the Pro 750 and A3500, although the A3500 slightly performed better.

Vitamix 7500 vs. A3500 – The Winner

The Vitamix 7500 and A3500 were tested in a real-world blending experiment with the same motor and blade specifications. Surprisingly, the findings revealed near-identical performance, although the A3500 performed better than the 7500.

Vitamix 7500 vs. A3500
Vitamix 7500 vs. A3500

Equal Ground: Motors, Blades, and Containers

Both the Vitamix 7500 and A3500 share the same powerful motor, blade size profile, and nearly identical containers, establishing a common baseline for their comparison.

The only notable difference lies in the packaging, with the A3500 boasting a modern design featuring a clear lid and Bluetooth assembly, while the 7500 adheres to the classic style.

The Hypothesis

The central hypothesis under scrutiny is whether the ascent series, represented by the A3500, performs better than the G series, embodied by the 7500.

The test methodology involves blending refrigerated water in both machines under the same conditions, measuring the temperature increase over time. The logic is that if the A3500 performs better, the water temperature should rise more quickly than the 7500.

Testing Conditions

The classic Vitamix 7500 was equipped with a low-profile container, while the A3500 featured the newer style with a clear lid and Bluetooth assembly. To maintain fairness, the test is conducted using the containers each machine is sold with.

The containers are new, eliminating potential biases related to wear and tear. Additionally, both containers are filled with the same amount of water, and their temperatures are monitored using an infrared heat gun.

The Result

As the test done, you can see the real-time blending process, revealing unexpected challenges with the newness of the A3500 container, including leaking and lid issues. Despite these hiccups, the results are presented on a graph showcasing temperature changes over six minutes for both blenders.

Surprising Results

Contrary to expectations, the temperature curves for the 7500 and A3500 remain virtually identical throughout the test. The conclusion drawn from the experiment challenges the notion that the A3500 offers superior blending performance.

The machines are fundamentally the same in terms of blending capabilities, which suggests that any perceived difference may be attributed to a placebo effect.

Testing Methodology

Testing Methodology
Testing Methodology

The primary focus of our comparison is to evaluate the blending performance of both models under identical conditions. The Vitamix 7500 features the classic G series design, while the A3500 belongs to the ascent series, boasting additional features like a clear lid and Bluetooth assembly.

We use the same motor, blade size, and container profile for both models to ensure a fair comparison. We conduct a water blending test, as water temperature can serve as a metric for energy conversion efficiency from electrical to mechanical energy.

Both blenders are equipped with brand-new containers, minimizing potential bias from wear and tear. The water used in the test is refrigerated to maintain consistency, and the same amount is measured precisely for each blender.

Additional Considerations

The decision between the Vitamix 7500 and A3500 is, The A3500 offers a more modern touch with Bluetooth connectivity, a clear lid, and programmable timer options. On the other hand, the 7500 provides a simpler interface with traditional switches.

It’s crucial to note that both models are equally user-friendly, produce the same blend quality, and showcase similar build quality. The A3500’s additional features may appeal to those seeking a more advanced and technologically integrated blender.


Both machines offer equal ease of use, blend quality, build quality, and noise levels. The decision ultimately comes down to personal preferences, whether one values additional features, such as a programmable timer and a sleek touchscreen interface, or prefers the simplicity of classic switches.

In the Vitamix 7500 vs. A3500 comparison, the choice ultimately comes down to desired features. Both blenders deliver exceptional performance, and the decision should be based on factors such as aesthetic appeal, user interface preferences, and the value of additional features like Bluetooth connectivity and programmable timers.

The rigorous test eliminates any placebo effect and highlights that these Vitamix models are cut from the same blending cloth.

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