Using Stainless Steel Cookware First Time? – Learn How to Use it

Are you Using Stainless Steel Cookware First Time? Know How to Use Stainless Steel Cookware. Stainless steel cookware looks great and shiny, but that’s not the real reason to have it. You’ll find a variety of factors that you need to take into consideration. This cookware is pretty durable, and it will make you forget the annoying problems of nonstick and cast-iron cookware.

Using Stainless Steel Cookware First Time

Are You Using Stainless Steel Cookware First Time?

Besides, the cookware has a good cooking ability. It provides quick and even heat absorption. Also, It allows you to cook acidic recipes, like cilantro lime fish or tomato sauces. You can cook these dishes without the risk of leaching any harmful chemicals and some other bare metals.

Only choosing the best stainless steel cookware won’t be enough for you if you don’t know how to use it properly. That’s why we’re here to let you know how you will use a stainless steel pan step by step. Keep reading the entire article to get a complete understanding of this topic.

How to Use Stainless Steel Cookware

Using Stainless Steel Cookware First Time

Almost all restaurants and chefs use stainless steel cookware for a good reason. It evenly distributes heat throughout the pan and prevents food from sticking on the surface. However, let’s have a look at some steps of using stainless steel cookware below.

Prepare the Cookware

Before starting cooking, you need to prepare the cookware. At first, you have to wash the cookware in hot, soapy water. Then, putting a one-fourth cup of vinegar will be necessary to remove manufacturing oil. Make sure that you rinse the pan thoroughly and dry it with a soft, clean towel.

Use a Lower Temperature

Manufacturers use multi-ply construction in most stainless steel cookware to ensure that the sides and bottom of the cookware heat evenly. So, you can make sure that your food will get heat from more than one direction. For example, in the case of cooking recipes that need medium-high heat, you have to set your burner at 6 or 7.

Preheat the Right Way

Use a water drop test to check how long to preheat the pan. Wait until the pan is so hot that you can hardly touch it. Add a splash of water on the pan and see the result. If it becomes balls and rolls all-around your pan, it’s ready to start cooking, and you can place your ingredients on it.

Put Some Oil after Preheating

When you’re preheating the pan, wait until it’s hot enough. Then remove the pan from the burner and put some oil on it. Roll this throughout the surface and return the pan to the burner. In the next 3 to 5 seconds, you’re ready to cook.

Start Cooking

Now, you’re ready to start cooking your favorite recipes. Suppose you’re cooking a large piece of meat on a stainless steel pan. If you want to flip it from time to time, you can try a simple test whether the meat is ready to flip or not. When the meat has developed a nice crust, you’re allowed to turn it over.

Don’t Discard the Brown Bits

Stainless steel cookware is one of the great sources of fantastic flavors. If you want to deglaze the pan, remove your food to a plate, and drain the oil from the pan. Adding some liquid, such as water, stock, wine, will be useful in this case. As the liquid boils, keep scraping the surface of the pan until the liquid reduces by half.

Use Non-Metal Scrubbers

If you need some extra cleaning of your cookware, you can sprinkle some baking soda on it. Make sure that you never use a metal scrubber, such as steel wool or a stainless steel scouring pad to clean your cookware. It’s because metal scrubbers may put some scratches on the surface of the cookware.

Try to Avoid Using Dishwasher

If you put your stainless steel cookware in the dishwasher, it may sometimes come out just fine. To keep your cookware shiny and looking brand new all the time, try to avoid using the dishwasher. It’s because the dishwasher may put spots on the surface of the cookware.

Instead, wipe the pan with a microfiber cloth with some white vinegar. Finally, let it dry. In a word, although all stainless steel cookware is dishwasher safe, we recommend you wash them with your hands.

Follow Proper Maintenance

  • Never use sharp utensils to remove food residues.
  • Don’t use the cookware as a container for storing food; food acids and salts can damage it and cause corrosion.
  • Don’t use cleaning products, like acids, bleach, etching, or oven cleaners, that can seriously damage the cookware and deteriorate the shine.
  • Store the cookware carefully in the place where it doesn’t get hit with hard metals.


After all, stainless steel cookware needs low maintenance and is easy to clean. It allows scrubbing with soft sponges, soaking, and cleaning with water in a hassle-free manner. If you take care of your stainless steel cookware, following our tips, it will last for years like a brand new kitchen item.