Keurig K Supreme Descale Light Won’t Turn Off – [Fixed]

You’re not alone if you own a Keurig K Supreme Plus and have found yourself frustrated with the descale light stubbornly refusing to turn off even after following the prescribed instructions. Many users have encountered this glitch, which can be a persistent issue.

Keurig K Supreme Descale Light Won't Turn Off


  • Keurig K Supreme Plus users often face a persistent descaling light glitch, causing inconvenience in their coffee routine.
  • Follow a step-by-step guide using common household items like white distilled vinegar to address the descaling light issue successfully.
  • Tackle the annoying glitch without relying on Keurig customer support, providing a DIY solution for a common problem.
  • The process involves not only descaling but also cleaning components like water filters and rinse pods for a thorough maintenance routine.

How to Fix Keurig K Supreme Descale Light Won’t Turn Off

Follow a slightly adjusted descaling process using vinegar to resolve the Keurig K Supreme descale light issue. Empty the reservoir, remove the filter, and add 16 ounces of vinegar, then 16 ounces of water, ensuring the correct order. Complete the cleanse with Keurig rinse pods for optimal performance.

Here, we’ll explore a fix for this problem and guide you through the correct process to ensure that pesky descale light finally goes off.

The Annoying Glitch

As many Keurig K Supreme Plus users have discovered, the descaling light can stubbornly persist, leaving you scratching your head and searching for a fix.

The glitch is annoying, and a resolution remains elusive despite contacting Keurig. But fear not – there’s a solution that you can try to get that pesky descaling light to turn off finally.

The Alternative Process

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin, ensure you have the necessary supplies:

  • White distilled vinegar
  • Water
  • Keurig Rinse Pods
  • Keurig Water Filter

Empty the Reservoir

Start by emptying the reservoir of your Keurig machine.

Remove Filter and Holder

Remove Filter and Holder
Remove Filter and Holder

Take out the filter holder and filter from the Keurig machine and set them aside.

Add Vinegar

Add Vinegar
Add Vinegar

Pour 16 ounces (two cups) of white distilled vinegar into the empty reservoir.

Add Water

Now, add 16 ounces of water to the reservoir.

Turn Off Keurig

Ensure your Keurig is turned off.

Activate Descaling

Activate Descaling
Activate Descaling

Hold down the 8 and 12-ounce buttons simultaneously for three seconds. The descaling light should now be activated.

Run the Scaling Process

Follow the on-screen instructions to start the descaling process. Let it run through its motions, and make sure you have a large enough cup to catch the vinegar-water mixture.

Repeat the Process

Empty the cup and repeat the process until the “Add Water” light appears on your Keurig machine.

Fill the Reservoir with Water

Once the “Add Water” light is on, fill the reservoir with water.

Continue Descaling

Continue with the descaling process until it is complete, ensuring that the machine goes through the full cycle.

Rinse Water Filter

While the descaling is ongoing, prepare your water filter. Soak it for a few minutes, then rinse it under the faucet.

Complete the Descaling

Once the descaling process is complete, dump out the water and reinsert the filter and filter holder.

Use Rinse Pods

Now, use Keurig Rinse Pods to clean the internal components of your Keurig. Follow the instructions on the rinse pod package.

Enjoy Your Coffee

After completing these steps, your Keurig should be descaled, the descaling light should be off, and you can now enjoy your coffee without the annoying glitch.


Why won’t the descale light on my Keurig K Supreme Plus turn off after following the recommended procedure?

The descaling light issue is a Keurig K Supreme Plus model glitch. Despite following the instructions, users often need help with this persistent problem. 

Is using vinegar safe for descaling my Keurig K Supreme Plus?

Yes, using white distilled vinegar is considered safe for descaling your Keurig. It’s a natural, chemical-free solution that effectively removes mineral deposits and scale buildup inside the machine. This method is both safe and recommended by Keurig for descaling.

How often should I descale my Keurig K Supreme Plus?

The frequency of descaling depends on your water hardness and usage. Keurig recommends frequently descaling every 3-6 months or more if you notice a decrease in performance or if the descale light is activated.

Can I use the Keurig Rinse Pods for descaling only?

Keurig Rinse Pods are primarily designed for cleaning and descaling. While they can be used as part of the descaling process, they are specifically intended for routine cleaning to maintain the optimal performance of your Keurig machine.

Will the alternative descaling process affect the taste of my coffee?

No, using vinegar for descaling won’t affect the taste of your coffee. After completing the descaling process, run a few brewing cycles with water to ensure any residual vinegar is thoroughly flushed out.

Can I continue using my Keurig K Supreme Plus even with the descale light on?

While using your Keurig with the descale light on is possible, it’s not recommended. The descale light indicates a potential issue with scale buildup that can affect the machine’s performance and the taste of your coffee. It’s advisable to address the descaling promptly to maintain optimal functionality.

How do I know when the descaling process is complete?

The descaling process is complete when the Keurig machine automatically turns off after the final brewing cycle. The “Add Water” light should be illuminated at this point, signaling that the descaling process is finished.


The keurig k supreme descale light won’t turn off glitch can be a persistent issue, but with this alternative process, you may find success in getting that pesky light to turn off finally. Give it a try and enjoy uninterrupted coffee brewing with your Keurig K Supreme Plus.

If this method doesn’t work for you, the video also suggests an additional fix that you can explore. Remember to leave feedback and share your experience in the comments to benefit the Keurig community.