How to Descale a Keurig Slim – Step-by- step

Your Keurig K Slim coffee maker is your trusty companion for brewing that perfect cup of coffee every morning. To keep it running smoothly and maintain the quality of your coffee, it’s essential to descale your machine regularly. Keurig recommends descaling every three months or when the descale light starts flashing.

How to Descale a Keurig Slim


  • Keep your Keurig K Slim performing well by descaling every three months or when the descale light blinks.
  • Stick to Keurig’s and descaler product instructions for a hassle-free process.
  • Use the correct amounts of descaler and water for effective descaling. Check the label.
  • After descaling, give the reservoir a good rinse before refilling with water.
  • Once done, your Keurig K Slim is ready for brewing fresh, delicious coffee.

How to Descale a Keurig Slim

To descale your Keurig K Slim, pour descaler solution and water into the empty reservoir, place a large mug on the drip tray, press and hold 8 and 12-ounce buttons, then follow the on-screen prompts to clean and rinse until the “Add Water” light comes on. Ensure to consult the descaler’s instructions for specific guidance.

In this guide, we’ll take you through a step-by-step process on how to descale a Keurig Slim and ensure it continues to deliver delicious coffee.

Step 1: Prepare the Descaler Solution

Prepare the Descaler Solution
Prepare the Descaler Solution
  • Ensure the water reservoir is empty.
  • Pour the recommended amount of descaler solution into the reservoir. Be sure to follow the instructions on the descaler’s label for the correct measurement.
  • Fill the descaler bottle with water and pour it into the reservoir.

Step 2: Set Up the Coffee Maker

Set Up the Coffee Maker
Set Up the Coffee Maker
  • Place a large mug (over 12 ounces) on the drip tray.
  • With the coffee maker turned off, press and hold the 8 and 12-ounce buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds until the descale light turns solid.

Step 3: Start Descaling

Start Descaling
Start Descaling
  • Once the brew button starts flashing, press it to begin the descaling process.
  • Allow the machine to run through the descaling cycle. The hot descaler solution will flow into the mug.
  • Pour the hot descaler from the mug into the sink.
  • If needed, repeat the descaling process until the “Add Water” light turns on.

Step 4: Rinse and Refill

  • Empty the reservoir and rinse it thoroughly to remove any remaining descaler solution.
  • Refill the water reservoir with clean water, ensuring it reaches the max fill line.

Step 5: Final Descaling Cycle

  • Place the mug back on the drip tray.
  • Press the brew button, and let the machine run a brewing cycle with just water.
  • Pour out the hot water from the mug and repeat this process until the “Add Water” light comes on.

Step 6: Exit Descaling Mode

  • Once the brewer exits the descale mode, your Keurig K Slim is ready to use again.
  • Before brewing your first cup of coffee, refer to the descaler instructions to ensure you’ve followed all specific recommendations.


Regular descaling is crucial to maintain the performance of your Keurig K Slim coffee maker’s performance and ensure your appliance’s longevity.

Following these step-by-step instructions, you can easily descale your machine and continue enjoying your favorite brews without compromising taste or quality.

Remember to check the descaler instructions for additional recommendations or precautions specific to your product. Keep your Keurig K Slim in top-notch condition, and savor every sip of your freshly brewed coffee!

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