6 Grilling Steak Tips for Perfect Steak

Welcome back to another sizzling adventure in the kitchen. Today, we’re diving into Grilling Steak Tips for Perfect Steak, and I’ve got the ultimate guide for you to master the art of cooking a perfect New York strip steak.

If you’ve ever wondered how to achieve that restaurant-quality sear and mouthwatering tenderness at home, you’re in the right place.

Grilling Steak Tips for Perfect Steak

Highlights on how to grill steak tips:

  • Pat your steak dry thoroughly before grilling to achieve that irresistible sear and flavor boost.
  • Embrace the kosher salt, black pepper, and garlic powder trio for a simple yet powerful flavor infusion.
  • Ensure your grill is smoking hot before laying down the steak to get those mouthwatering grill marks and sizzling sounds.
  • Allow your steak to rest at least 10 minutes after grilling to lock in juices and deliver a tender, flavorful bite.
  • Revel in the magic of perfectly sliced, medium-rare steak that promises a burst of juiciness and flavor in every bite.

6 Grilling Steak Tips for Perfect Steak

So, roll up your sleeves, and let’s get ready to turn your kitchen into a steakhouse!

1. Preparation: Pat It Dry for the Perfect Sear


Before you even think about firing up the grill, take a moment to ensure your steak is ready for the heat. Pat the meat dry using a couple of paper towels, removing all excess moisture.

  • Ensures a dry surface for optimal searing.
  • Facilitates the Maillard reaction for enhanced flavor.

This step is crucial for achieving a hard sear and that coveted Maillard reaction, which is responsible for the rich, complex flavors in your steak. Don’t rush this process; a dry steak is the foundation for success.

2. Seasoning: Flavor Trio

Seasoning: Flavor Trio
Seasoning: Flavor Trio

Now that your steak is prepped, it’s time to infuse it with flavor. Season generously with kosher salt, ensuring you cover the entire surface.

  • Uses a trio of kosher salt, black pepper, and garlic powder.
  • Generously covers the entire surface of the steak.
  • Evenly pats in the seasonings for consistent flavor.

Follow up with a liberal application of freshly ground black pepper for a bold kick, and round it off with garlic powder to add depth to the taste.

Pat the seasonings in, ensuring they adhere to the meat evenly. The result? A steak that’s bursting with savory goodness.

3. Grilling: High Heat for the Perfect Sear

Grilling: High Heat for the Perfect Sear
Grilling: High Heat for the Perfect Sear

Fire up your grill and set it to high heat. Aim for a temperature around 550°F, ensuring that your grates are sizzling hot. Lay the seasoned steak on the grill, pressing it down to ensure good contact.

  • Sets the grill to the highest temperature for a perfect sear.
  • Ensures the grill is hot enough to create a sizzling sound.
  • Monitors the smoking and sizzling indicators for ideal grilling conditions.

Listen for that satisfying sizzle – a sign that your grill is hot enough to create a mouthwatering sear. Grill for about 10 minutes, flipping and turning as needed to achieve those beautiful grill marks.

4. Temperature Check: The Key to Perfect Doneness

Temperature Check: The Key to Perfect Doneness
Temperature Check: The Key to Perfect Doneness

Check for those desired grill marks around the 2 minutes and 30 seconds mark. Then, flip the steak and continue grilling until you reach an internal temperature of 120°F for medium rare.

  • Grills the steak for approximately 10 minutes, turning every 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
  • Presses the steak down for optimal contact with the grill.
  • Checks for grill marks as indicators of proper cooking.

Use an instant-read thermometer to gauge the doneness accurately. Remember, the steak will continue to cook as it rests, so pull it off the grill when it’s a few degrees below your target temperature.

5. Resting: Unleashing the Juices

Resting: Unleashing the Juices
Resting: Unleashing the Juices
  • Allows the steak to rest for at least 10 minutes post-grilling.
  • Permits juices to redistribute for a juicy and tender outcome.

Allow your perfectly grilled steak to rest for at least 10 minutes. This crucial step lets the juices redistribute throughout the meat, ensuring every bite is moist and flavorful—Marvel at the rendered juices, a testament to the excellent sear and flavor infusion.

6. Slicing: Revel in the Juicy Perfection

Slicing: Revel in the Juicy Perfection
Slicing: Revel in the Juicy Perfection

Once rested, it’s time to slice into your masterpiece. Notice the perfect medium-rare interior resulting from careful grilling and temperature management.

  • Utilizes an instant-read thermometer to check the internal temperature (aiming for 120°F for medium-rare).
  • Slices the steak down the middle for presentation.
  • Observes the rendering of juices and the perfect medium-rare texture.

As you slice, savor the tenderness and juiciness that make this New York strip steak an absolute delight.

Grilling Steak Tips

Grilled New York Strip Steak Recipe

Yield: Serving 2 to 3 people
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

This recipe features the New York Strip, readily available at your local supermarket. I'm excited to share this recipe with you, so let's dive in!


  • Choice New York Strip Steak
  • Kosher salt
  • Black pepper (freshly ground)
  • Garlic powder


  • Grill
  • Instant-read thermometer
  • Paper towels
  • Tongs


Step 1: Patting the Meat Dry

  • Begin by patting the steak dry with paper towels. Remove all excess moisture to ensure a nice hard sear and optimal browning, creating the Maillard reaction for maximum flavor.
  • Use a couple of paper towels and pat the meat until no more moisture comes off.

Step 2: Seasoning the Steak

  • Liberally season the entire surface of the steak with kosher salt. Ensure an even coverage for a well-balanced flavor.
  • Crush black pepper and generously grind it onto the steak. Adjust according to your preference.
  • Add garlic powder to complete the trio of seasonings. Cover the steak evenly and pat in the seasonings.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Step 3: Preparing the Grill

  • Preheat your grill to the highest setting. Aim for a temperature around 550°F to achieve a hard sear.
  • Check for a hot spot on the grill, creating some smoke. Once hot, lay the seasoned steak on the grates, ensuring you hear that satisfying sizzle.

Step 4: Grilling the Steak

  • Grill the steak for about 10 minutes, flipping it every 2 minutes and 30 seconds to achieve those perfect grill marks.
  • Check for an internal temperature of 120°F for medium-rare using an instant-read thermometer.
  • If you prefer medium-rare, pull the steak off when it reaches 115°F, as it will continue to cook while resting.

Step 5: Letting it Rest

  • Let the steak rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing. This allows the juices to redistribute, ensuring a juicy and tender result.

Step 6: Slicing and Serving

  • After resting, slice the steak down the middle. Admire the beautiful medium-rare doneness.
  • Serve the steak slices, and enjoy the juicy and flavorful outcome.


Congratulations, you’ve just graduated from Steak Grilling 101! The journey may appear difficult at first, but as you’ve seen, it’s all about a few simple steps and a little patience.

This simple New York Strip steak recipe takes only 10 minutes from start to finish. The result is a perfectly grilled, juicy, and tender steak that will surely impress your friends. If you enjoyed this recipe, don’t forget to comment. Enjoy your grilled New York Strip steak!

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