How to Cook Turkey in Air Fryer Oven – Easy Cooking

Hey, folks! I’m stepping into uncharted territory today by cooking a whole turkey in my air fryer oven. I’ve never attempted this before, mainly because my traditional oven wasn’t spacious enough to accommodate a turkey.

But I stumbled upon a 9.27 lb beauty at $2.29 per pound, and at $21.20, I thought, why not give it a shot in my new air fryer oven?

Cook Turkey in Air Fryer Oven


  • Cook a whole turkey effortlessly in your air fryer oven, even if you’ve never done it before.
  • Keep it easy by rubbing the turkey with butter and your preferred seasoning for a flavorful twist.
  • Position the turkey carefully for even cooking and monitor the temperature for a beautifully browned result.
  • After cooking, let the turkey rest in the oven for a bit – simple but crucial for juicy goodness.
  • Despite a slightly drier breast, the ease and even cooking make air fryer oven turkey worth a try!

How Long to Cook Turkey in Air Fryer Oven?

The cooking time for a turkey in an air fryer oven is approximately 1 hour and 35 minutes at 325°F. However, monitoring the internal temperature is crucial, aiming for 165°F for a fully cooked turkey.

Adjust the time as needed based on your turkey’s size and your specific air fryer oven.

How to Cook Turkey in Air Fryer Oven?

Cook Turkey in Air Fryer Oven

Cook Turkey in Air Fryer Oven

Yield: Serves approximately 8-10 people
Prep Time: 1 hour 35 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 35 minutes
Cook a whole turkey in the air fryer oven by thawing, seasoning, and roasting at 325°F until the internal temperature reaches 165°F for a convenient and delicious meal.

Join me on this culinary adventure in step by step, as we roast a turkey in a way you might not have considered before.


  • 1 whole turkey (approximately 9.27 lbs)
  • Butter
  • Johnny Seasoned Pepper (or your preferred seasoning)
  • Salt and pepper (optional, to taste)


1. Preparing the Turkey

  • Thaw the turkey completely in the refrigerator for 3 days or according to package instructions.
  • Remove the turkey neck from the cavity.
  • Rinse the turkey under cold water to remove any ice or excess fluids.

2. Seasoning

  • Preheat your air fryer oven to 325°F for air roasting.
  • Rub the outside of the turkey with butter, ensuring an even coating.
  • Optionally, season the outside with Johnny Seasoned Pepper or your preferred seasoning, including salt and pepper to taste.
  • If desired, gently lift the skin and add some butter for added moisture.

3. Oven Setup

oven setup

  • Remove the oven rack from the air fryer oven.
  • Place a tray at the bottom slot to create space for the turkey.
  • Insert the turkey, positioning it with the legs at the back and the breast at the front.

4. Cooking

  • Insert an oven meat thermometer into the thickest part of the breast.
  • Set the air fryer oven to 325°F and start with a cooking time of 1 hour.
  • Monitor the internal temperature, adding time as needed. Aim for a final temperature of 165°F.

5. Resting

  • Once the turkey reaches 165°F, turn off the air fryer oven and let the turkey rest inside for about 20-30 minutes.
  • This resting period allows the juices to redistribute, ensuring a moist result.

6. Carving

  • Carefully remove the turkey from the air fryer oven and transfer it to a cutting board.
  • Carve the turkey, starting with the legs and then moving on to the breast.

7. Enjoying the Feast

  • Plate the carved turkey and savor the fruits of your air fryer oven experiment.


Can I use a frozen turkey for this recipe?

No, it’s essential to thaw the turkey completely in the refrigerator for at least 3 days before cooking. This ensures even cooking and food safety.

What size turkey is suitable for an air fryer oven?

The size of your air fryer oven will determine the maximum turkey size. Ensure the turkey fits comfortably inside, leaving room for air circulation.

Should I brine the turkey before cooking in the air fryer oven?

This particular recipe used a pre-brined turkey. However, you can certainly bring it beforehand if you prefer. Adjust seasoning accordingly.

Can I use different seasonings?

Yes! Feel free to experiment with your favorite seasonings. The recipe mentioned Johnny Seasoned Pepper, but you can use any blend that suits your taste.

Why did you rest the turkey in the oven after cooking?

Allowing the turkey to rest in the turned-off oven helps the juices redistribute, ensuring a moist and flavorful result.

Can I use the air fryer oven’s built-in timer instead of monitoring manually?

While the built-in timer is handy, there may need to be more for larger turkeys. Keep an eye on the internal temperature and adjust the time as needed.

How do I prevent the turkey breast from drying out?

Consider placing butter under the skin to add moisture, or use a brining method before cooking. Also, monitoring the internal temperature is crucial.

Can I use this method for other poultry, like chicken?

Yes, you can adapt this method for various poultry. Adjust cooking times based on the size and type of meat.

What should I do if the turkey skin is getting too brown?

If the skin is browning too quickly, tent it with aluminum foil to prevent over-browning while ensuring the turkey continues to cook.

Can I cook stuffing inside the turkey in the air fryer oven?

Cooking stuffing inside a whole turkey in an air fryer oven is not recommended. Instead, prepare the stuffing separately to ensure thorough cooking and food safety.

Results and Thoughts

After about 1 hour and 35 minutes, my turkey looked fantastic. The skin was beautifully browned, and the internal temperature was on point. The turkey cooked evenly, but I did notice the breast was slightly on the dry side compared to when I typically brine my turkeys.

Nevertheless, it was still a delicious and convenient way to cook a turkey, especially considering the even cooking results and the moister dark meat.

Give it a try, and let me know how your air fryer oven turkey turns out! Thanks for joining me on this culinary journey, and I’ll catch you in the next cooking adventure. Happy cooking!

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