What Can You Use Instead of Buttermilk? – (3 Substitutes)

Discover What Can You Use Instead of Buttermilk: Hey there, kitchen enthusiasts! We’ve all been there – you’re all set to whip up your favorite pancake or baked goods recipe when you suddenly realize you’re fresh out of buttermilk or don’t have enough.

What Can You Use Instead of Buttermilk
  • Buttermilk is a key ingredient in many recipes, but running out of it can be a common kitchen problem.
  • You can make homemade buttermilk substitutes using vinegar and whole milk, yogurt or sour cream mixed with whole milk, or cream of tartar combined with whole milk.
  • Each 3 homemade buttermilk replacement will help leaven your baked goods and infuse them with that signature buttermilk flavor.

What Can You Use Instead of Buttermilk?

When you’re out of buttermilk, fear not! You can easily substitute it with vinegar and whole milk, yogurt or sour cream with whole milk, or cream of tartar with whole milk. These quick alternatives will keep your recipes on track.

Well, fret not because today I’m here to rescue your culinary endeavors with four incredibly simple homemade buttermilk substitutions that will take you no more than five minutes to prepare.

So, let’s dive right in!

Understanding Buttermilk

Before we delve into the alternatives, let’s quickly recap what buttermilk is. Buttermilk is a cultured or acidified form of milk known for its thick consistency and unique flavor.

It plays a crucial role in leavening various baked goods while adding its distinct tangy essence to the mix. Now, let’s replicate this magic in your kitchen.

Sure, let’s dive right into the details of these four homemade buttermilk substitutions:

1. Vinegar and Whole Milk

Buttermilk Substitute 1
Buttermilk Substitute 1
Homemade Buttermilk with Vinegar and Whole Milk

Homemade Buttermilk with Vinegar and Whole Milk

Additional Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes


  • 1 cup of whole milk
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (you can also use lemon juice)


    • Start by taking a clean bowl and adding 1 tablespoon of vinegar (or lemon juice) to it.
    • Pour in 1 cup of whole milk into the bowl.
    • Stir the mixture thoroughly to combine the milk and vinegar.
    • Allow it to sit for about five minutes at room temperature. During this time, you'll notice the milk thickening and curdling. This is the acid in the vinegar or lemon juice reacting with the milk, creating a buttermilk-like consistency.
    • After five minutes, your homemade buttermilk substitute is ready to use in your recipes.

    2. Yogurt or Sour Cream and Whole Milk

    Buttermilk Substitute 2
    Buttermilk Substitute 2
    Homemade Butter Milk With Yogurt or Sour Cream and Whole Milk

    Homemade Butter Milk With Yogurt or Sour Cream and Whole Milk

    Cook Time: 5 minutes
    Total Time: 5 minutes


    • Yogurt or Sour Cream
    • Whole Milk


      • Take plain yogurt or sour cream and put it in a mixing bowl.
      • Gradually add a small amount of whole milk to the yogurt or sour cream.
      • Stir the mixture continuously until it reaches the same consistency as store-bought buttermilk. The goal is to achieve that thick and creamy texture.
      • Adjust the quantity of milk as needed to get the desired thickness.
      • Your homemade buttermilk substitute, made with yogurt or sour cream, is now ready to use in your recipes.

      3. Cream of Tartar and Whole Milk

      Homemade Buttermilk With Cream of Tartar and Whole Milk

      Homemade Buttermilk With Cream of Tartar and Whole Milk

      Cook Time: 5 minutes
      Total Time: 5 minutes


      • 1 and 3/4 teaspoons of cream of tartar
      • 1 cup of whole milk


        1. In a clean bowl, add 1 and 3/4 teaspoons of cream of tartar.
        2. Pour in 1 cup of whole milk.
        3. Mix the cream of tartar and milk together until the cream of tartar is completely dissolved.
        4. Let the mixture sit for approximately five minutes. During this time, it will thicken and curdle.
        5. Once the mixture has thickened and curdled, you have successfully created a homemade buttermilk substitute using cream of tartar.


      These four homemade buttermilk substitutions are versatile and easy to prepare, ensuring that you can continue with your culinary creations even when buttermilk isn’t readily available.

      Each option provides a similar texture and acidity to traditional buttermilk, making your dishes just as delicious and fluffy as ever.

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