Induction Cooktop vs. Glass Top – What are the Key Differences?

Induction Cooktop vs. Glass Top: These days, cooktops seem to be the heart of any kitchen. Most modern people are willing to install a separate cooktop in their kitchen to give a sophisticated outlook.

They mostly prefer the cooktops with a glass or ceramic surface, or a blend of glass and ceramic.

Induction Cooktop VS Glass Top

If you’re one of them, looking for such a cooktop, you’ll find the two most popular cooktop options, induction cooktop and glass top, out there. Now, the question is, “Which is the better option of the two? To get the answer, you have to know the differences between the induction cooktop vs glass top.

What is the main difference between Induction Cooktop and Glass Top?

Induction Cooktop Vs Glass Top - Main Difference
The main difference between induction cooktop and glass top lies in their internal operating process. An induction cooktop produces electromagnetic energy that heats magnetic cookware directly. On the other hand, the glass top works on electricity and heats the burner. Then the cookware in contact with the burner gets heated up.

The main difference is that induction cooktops use electromagnetic coils to heat the cookware, while glass cooktops include regular metal coils. Besides, glass cooktops, at first, heat the surface and then the cookware. But, inductions cooktops don’t heat the surface until you place the right cookware on it.

Apart from that, you’re going to find so many aspects in which both cooktops dominate each other. So, let’s see the key differences below between these cooktops and decide who the real winner is in this comparison.

What is an Induction Cooktop?

An induction cooktop usually comes with a smooth ceramic surface, but it features high-frequency electromagnets that sit below the surface to generate heat. The cooktop reacts when it comes in contact with magnetic stainless steel, steel, or iron cookware.

Induction Cooktop

This means the cooktop only generates heat when it’s turned on, and you place the right pan or pot on it. So, you have a little chance to burn yourself accidentally while cooking. If you turn your induction cooktop off, it will immediately get cold to keep you safe.

As the heat is directly transferred to the cookware, your cookware can reach the desired temperature as quickly as possible. So, it helps you cook foods faster and saves the valuable time of yours. Besides, the cooktop remains cool enough for easier cleanup.


  • Comes with a smooth ceramic surface
  • Includes electromagnets to generate heat
  • Reacts when the right cookware is used
  • Heats up quickly to reduce cooking time
  • Becomes cool right after switching it off


  • More expensive than electric cooktops
  • Doesn’t support all types of cookware
  • May create a buzzing sound when heating

What is Glass Top?

A glass top is a flat cooktop made of a glass-ceramic blend, which means it’s not made of glass or ceramic all the way. This cooktop usually comes with coiled metal heating elements that sit below the ceramic glass to generate heat.

Glass Top

When you turn the cooktop on, the cooktop’s heating elements start getting heated and transfer the heat to the cooktop’s selected zones. After that, you have to place your cookware on those zones to cook your meals.

Thanks to the attractive design, glass-ceramic cooktops have become one of the most popular burners worldwide. These cooktops don’t include the obtrusive coil burners like a traditional cooktop. That’s why many home cooks prefer a glass top in their kitchen.


  • Includes excellent heating elements
  • Comes with a sleek, modern design
  • Features an aesthetically pleasing ceramic surface
  • Lacks inconvenient, obtrusive coil burners
  • Simple to clean the upper surface


  • The surface can be accidentally scratched
  • Doesn’t support aluminum and copper-bottom cookware
  • May remain hot even after turning the cooktop off

Induction Cooktop vs. Glass Top: Key Differences

Induction Cooktop vs. Glass Top

Now that you know almost all about induction and glass cooktops, you can easily find the differences between these two cooktops. To help you out, we’re now going to talk about some essential factors in which these cooktops differ.

1. Heating Elements

As you know, an induction cooktop comes with high-frequency, powerful electromagnets that generate heat only the spot where you place the cookware, not the entire surface of the cooktop. This cooktop only heats up when the right cookware comes in contact with it.

On the other hand, a glass cooktop features coiled metal heating elements underneath the tempered glass surface. This cooktop, at first, heats the upper surface and then the cookware. So, the induction cooktop is the winner here.

2. Safety

When it comes to safety, an induction cooktop is better because it doesn’t start heating the cookware immediately after switching the cooktop on as long as you place the right cookware on it. You can keep your small children away from burning their hands.

A glass cooktop, however, retains 4 to 5 times more heat than an induction cooktop. So, chances are you’re burning your hands while cooking, but some specific modern glass cooktops are now offering safety features that show you the level of temperatures.

3. Heating Speed

In terms of measuring heating speed, an induction cooktop is the better option than a glass cooktop. As you know, it has electromagnets that can transfer heat pretty quickly immediately after the cookware comes in contact with the cooktop surface.

In contrast, a glass cooktop has coiled heating metal that takes a bit more time to heat up. The heating element sometimes cannot transfer heat from the cooktop to the cookware. If you’re looking for a cooktop that heats up quickly, we recommend you prefer an induction cooktop.

4. Controlling Options

Typically, an induction cooktop comes with more controlling options than a glass cooktop. This cooktop usually offers digital, touch controls, including pause buttons, timers, child or control panel locks, heat level buttons, and many more.

On the other hand, a glass cooktop features various controlling options similar to an induction cooktop, but not more than that. So, if you’re looking for a cooktop that offers more controlling options, you should bring an induction cooktop to your kitchen.

5. Cookware Needed

When it comes to the right cookware, an induction cooktop always needs a specific type of cookware, especially the cookware, with magnetic power at the bottom, such as stainless steel, steel, or iron cookware.

However, a glass cooktop accepts almost all types of cookware, whether they have magnetic power or not. So, if you’re after a cooktop that supports most types of cookware, you should go for a glass cooktop without feeling any hesitation.

6. Cleaning

Both glass and induction cooktops are flat, and consequently, they’re easy to clean. You need a piece of clean cloth or a soft sponge to wipe down the surface. So, you won’t find any difference between these two cooktops in terms of cleaning.

However, can you clean the surface of both cooktops right after completing the cooking process? You can only clean an induction cooktop in this way because it remains cool when you turn this cooktop off. On the contrary, a glass cooktop stays hot.

7. Price

With regards to pricing, a glass cooktop is less expensive than an induction cooktop of the same quality, although it may vary from brands to brands and models to models. It requires lower maintenance costs compared to an induction cooktop.

If you’re looking at the energy bills, a glass cooktop is also slightly less expensive than an induction cooktop because it uses modern technology in the heating process. They also require more setup costs than glass tops.


In a nutshell, induction and glass cooktops are two of the most popular cooking burners worldwide. They both have many pros and cons, and most importantly, several differences in many factors, such as heating elements, heating speed, cookware compatibility, etc.

However, one cannot dominate the other in all aspects. This means both cooktops are quite acceptable to the people of different regions. Now, the question is which one the winner is in this comparison. Considering all the aspects, we recommend you opt for an induction cooktop.

This doesn’t mean you cannot choose another option. If a glass cooktop, for example, meets your demands, there won’t be any problem selecting this cooktop for your kitchen. In other words, you should purchase any cooktop that can fulfill your kitchen requirements.

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